Friday 9 January 2009

1 and counting

Gorgeous turned 1 in december,and she enjoyed every minute of it. You wouldnt have guessed that 12 hours earlier her mum and i were in the emergency ward seeking assistance for her broken hand. apparently the childminder broke it accidently so she was in great pain.

she couldnt walk, couldnt crawl. i was a mess, so was her mum. what made matters worse was that her mum was ill as well. good thing and thank God the doc knew his job and put the bone back in. shes ok now, playing, smiling and being wonderful

So glad she chose us

Friday 28 November 2008

She talks, she walks…………..

Gorgeous took her first unaided steps about 5 days ago. No one couldn’t be happier than I, except her mama of cos as well as her beloved caring Ganma [ as gorgeous calls her]. Mama told me exactly a day earlier than she could take a few steps but my disbelieving mind paid no attention. Fast forward a day after right about 9 pm while I was in the bedroom I witnessed it first hand.

A toy phone was utilised in enticing her. Mama stood her on the ground and moved a couple of paces forward. She then called to Gorgeous saying,’ come and take it’. Right before my eyes she took her first steps before stumbling and crashing into the arms of her devote mama.

I almost shed a tear or 2.

Infact I did.

I am so so proud of you gorgeous for taking the first of many steps into the world. Mama and dada will be there God willing to ensure you don’t fall, if you do we will be there to pick you up.

Thursday 13 November 2008


This blog was created as a way to record, share, recount and display the thoughts, feelings, and randomness that goes on in the life of my family, specifically my daughter who I call Gorgeous, her mother who is Mama and my humble self of cos.....Dada.

Gorgeous is about 11 months old, learning how to walk. She stands unaided, grasps and grabs a hold of anything and by the time you can exclaim, its in her mouth. She is simply wonderful, adorable, funny, unpredictable and an endless bundle of joy.

Predictably though her first words were .....Dada....and boy does she look like her Dada.